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Maurice Porter published his series of 12 articles in the British Dental Journal between October 1967 and April 1968:


1. Dental Aspects of Embouchure

2. Single reed instruments – the Lip Shield

3. Single reed instruments – Restorative Dentistry

4. Single reed instruments – Partial Dentures

5. Single reed instruments – Full Dentures

6. Single reed instruments – The Embouchure Denture

7. Double reed instruments and flute

8. Brass instruments

9 -12 Brass instruments continued


The compilation of these seminal papers is available here. This will open a BDA library page for the booklet of Maurice Porter's paper. Once on this page, find Electronic location and access and click Read the booklet here and the document will download as a PDF.

BDJ Porter.jpg

In addition, you can find a list of papers published by Maurice Porter by downloading the pdf link below.

The British Dental Association library also maintains a package of current articles relating to embouchure issues. Some of which are freely available online whilst others are only available to BDA members. You can use the link below to download this list.

Whilst practising as a dentist Edna Watson nee Lewis (pictured right with husband Raymond)  studied for an O level in music. She chose to write her project on dentistry and music, drawing on the work of Maurice Porter.  You can read more about this in the download below as well as view the original manuscript.

Edna Lewis and Raymond Watson 1946 graduation Universtiy Durham.jpg

Alternatively you can contact the BDA library direct to find out more about these resources.

Copyright 2023 British Dental Association Museum

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